
In my head, my name has been anything BUT my name.

I just saw "Label" in a very curvy lettering and couldn't help but think Dabot (pronounced Day-bot or Dah-boit)...and I couldn't help but think about living in Africa and how I'd change my name to that.

THEN I've recently been obsessed with my hebrew name and all the forms it comes in. Beit-Anyah, Bet t'eina, and my personal favorite Beit-te'enah.

I'm fully prepared to start ONLY answering to Beit. I love that. I like it. I want it.

Speaking of wanting...

England, oh England. How I long for thee. Along with Uganda. I'm pretty postive I'm going to spend a huge chunk of my life traveling across the world.

People tell me I can't do it. That I must be settled. Living job to job, city to city is an aimless existence.

Yeah right. Living in one place, doing the same thing all day, every day...THAT'S aimless.

With talents, most people are told to be "well-rounded"...well...that's not a good thing to do, in actuality. You should find something you love and that you're tremendous at and focus on it.

For me, it's music. So I want to do a music DTS in England.

But then again I love to write (this blog is not a showcase of my work, mind you) and I love to help. I want to go through two DTS's with YWAM and then go through an Addictive Behaviour Counseling School one year after that.

Gosh. I want to do so many freaking things that I feel like I'm crazy for doing...but I just want to get out and do it.

I want to photograph the world.
I want to write the world.
I want to love on the world.
I want to sing.