
Fuego de Dios

It takes little effort to put out a candle; if you can breathe on it, and the fire goes out. You can blow on it, and the fire goes out. You can pull an Aragorn and put it out with your pointer finger and thumb.

It takes much effort and teamwork to put out a forest fire. If you breathe on it, it spreads. If the wind blows, it spreads. You can attempt to put it out like Aragorn, but you’ll just end up with a burnt finger and possibly pre-death cremation.

How many of us live as candles? Housing the fire of the LORD in the smallest way possible, able to be blown out, snuffed out, talked out.

How many of us live as candles being blown by the wind in life just to bounce back up as a larger flame?

I’ve tested it. You must speak loud and breath-y in order to put a candle out by talking.

God speaks in a still, small voice. A whisper.

I promise you, dear friend, He doesn’t put out your fire. It’s satan who houses the voice which puts your fire out.

My candle blew out long ago. I had a life calling that was BREATHED ON by the Holy Spirit. My flame –my faith- flickered. But I bounced up with a larger faith than I had during the point of my anointing.

God was asking me to be a forest fire –to destroy the kingdom of darkness. The wind that tossed me back and forth: my trials, my hurts, my falls...only proved God was greater than I. Opposition would make me burn more furiously and jealously in order to see the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth through His humble servants.

God was asking me to be a forest fire and all I could do was wither under the pressure, make the battle my own, and allow trials to snuff me out.

I leaned on my own strength, and that was my downfall. I harbored my own ambitions apart from God –my glory or no glory. I sat docile and unresponsive to God’s unique calling. His whisper raising to a shout and yet I still sat bleary-eyed wondering whose was this booming voice I couldn’t seem to escape.

I was a zombie. The living dead. Dead man walking. I was hopeless, helpless, weak, scared, and passive.

I needed a Lighter, and all I had was a once-lit black wick to work with.

I’m telling you, dear reader, I am firewood and so are you.

I’m ready to begin the journey of interruption. Interruption of culture plans, interruption of culture norms, interruption of hate, lust, war, envy, jealousy, intimidation, depression. I’m ready to interrupt history for the sake of Christ.

You, too, are an interrupter.

Are you ready to disrupt the future?

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