
Are all our goals aligned to fame? our days aligned to corporate slavery? our weeks aligned to dissipating sanity?

We're the kings and queens of convenience and I can only imagine it should become worse. Have you ever seen Wall-E?

We are disintegrating into robots with flesh on, and I am the greatest of them all.

I must repent for my actions, my laziness, and my inaction towards my passions.

I have dreams. I mean, they're so vivid I could call them day terrors, but they aren't filled with demonic forces. Rather, they are dreams and visions of my life to come...and life quickly slipping from my grasp.

I haven't prayed for them enough in days previous. I don't pray with the authority of Jesus Christ that these things WILL come to pass.

What's your dream? Do you want to cure cancer? GO DO IT! Do you want to paint in Italy and witness to your subjects? GO DO IT! Do you want to make a difference? GO DO IT!

Now, I know proper precautions must be taken, otherwise your dream will be a fart in the wind, but what if all our precautions have become the crutch that keeps us from stepping out in faith?

I know it has for me.

"Oh, I need more money." "Oh, I need connections" "Oh, I need more talent." "Oh, I just can't really do it."


You can do it.

Become that professional juggling street preacher you've wanted to be! Become that rug-making machine! Become that skateboarder that wins...uhm....brain fart, what's the competition called?

Whatever it is, go for it.

This phrase has been like a plague on all my conversations this week, so I guess I must put it on here:

"Our generation is more free to do what we want, but we're more scared than ever to do it."

I don't want to be apart of the Tribe of Chains. I want to walk free in my freedom. My American freedom. My generational freedom. My CHRIST freedom!

I can only imagine that what holds me back looks similar to what holds you back.

Comfort. Safety. Security. Doubt.

I once heard of a group of Monks that intentionally ate horrible food and slept on the worst beds they could find all to be more religious.

No offense, but that's a little ridiculous. Ridiculous may be a harsh word, but I can't seem to find one to suffice.

God never said you must be the most intentional person when it comes to your discomfort. Now, that's not to say in every "career" God will call you to is going to feel like silk sheets, but unless He says to you "I'm taking you somewhere and it's not going to be very comfortable..." you don't have to automatically assume God's going to make you sleep on a bed of nails and eat rat poop.

I think we, as Christians, too often know something we could absolutely NEVER see ourselves doing. Let's say the sight of blood makes you faint, does that mean that God is calling you to be a doctor? I don't think so.

I think He's asking us to use our passions, and yes sometimes the things that scare us, to advance His Kingdom.

Many times during Jesus' life you'll find in Scripture Him saying (obviously the words changing a little) "Your faith has healed you. Get up and go."

My faith in God is just starting to heal me of some serious word-wounds.

"You'll never make it." "What can you give them?" "Do you think you'll make a difference?...because you won't"

We start to believe these things and identify with them and our faith starts to shift. Once we were on fire and pumped...I don't know why I keep saying "we", from now on it's personal. Once, I was on fire and pumped to go out and subtly preach during basement shows and loving on the "rejects" of certain church buildings. I wanted to travel and I wanted to love. I wanted to sing and I wanted to worship.

Then I got a job.

Yeah, yeah. You think I might be saying a job is a bad thing...but that is not at all. However, I made my job my priority.

Over God. Over friends. Over family. Over my passion.

Pfft. Over my dead body will I allow that again!

I miss that passion. I miss that fervor for lost souls.

God finally gave it back and I'm not going to continue to "fart in the wind" as I would so elegantly put it.

I don't know what the future looks like, but regardless what it is...God's got the whole world in His hands.

So go change your city. Go change your life. Go invest in what God's doing in your friends lives. Go hard and fast after God.

Don't let your city crumble.

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