
Life abundant...powered by Duracell.

I get in a funk every once in a while. Right now, I'm not in that funk but I long for the day where I am again.

It's an undeniable need to get rid of things. Everything. Discard waste in my life. Start new.

I'm waiting for the day I want to be quiet again. Granted, no one around me enjoys when I'm in that time, but it's so so good. I actually THINK before I say, and thus I barely say anything.

I currently fill up the air with meaningless chatter.

Just recently I cleaned my whole room. There were things I even thought of keeping because I might "one day need it"

vocabulary papers from 7th grade until my senior year, algebra homework (just in case, right?), drawings from old friends, college letters, destroyed purses, keys, stuffed animals, a six year old coconut (long story), used batteries.

You name it, I probably thought about keeping it.

I was ruled by STUFF. I was stuck by STUFF. Granted, I still have a lot of stuff laying around but I realize now it's just...stuff.

If a fire comes, I am not my piano. If a flood comes, I am not my Mozart statue. If the ground swallows my house, I'm not my old journals.

No matter how much I said it wouldn't matter to lose this stuff, I'd still mourn as though a close friend died. Call me crazy, but examine yourself and then get back to me.

The worst part is I couldn't see it! I couldn't see that I was ruled by my stuff. I didn't need this stuff at all times, but knowing the order of things and where things were at just in case meant I had control.

It didn't come in the form of normal materialism because half this stuff I got at Goodwill or from friends. Worthless things. Useless things. Cheap stuff.

I would actually risk my life in a fire for my dang Korg. Granted, yes I am a musician and that thing is the most expensive and useful thing in my entire room, but risk my life for it?! I am priceless and that thing DOES have a price.

If Jesus were to come back in this lifetime, I don't want to be one of the millions of people grabbing stuff. Heaven's got the sickest pianos ever. Why would I want something made by humans hands?!

I say this with heavy conviction:

I need to get away from it all.

I want to live in the woods and experience an "Into the Wild" lifestyle. Even for a week.

Every second I hear noise. Whether it has a positive or negative effect on my day depends on what I'm hearing...

I want to walk places. Get my feet dirty. Scuff up my knees. Climb mountainous trails. Run barefoot.

Nature is my new iPod. The wind is the atmosphere. Animal footsteps are the bassline. Rain is the melody. Thunder is the drumline.

Give me that! Give me something to sing and worship to! If even for a week...

I'm just tired of the mundane.

Yes, I love music. Yes, I love technology. Yes, I love convenience.

But I can't help but think about Jesus living today. What would He use? Would He drive (if so, He'd use His turn signal!)? Would He ride a bike (probably, because bikes are AWESOME)?

Even for a week, I want to experience that life. No tent. No transportation other than what God glued at the bottom of my legs. No extras. No home. Nothing.

Flying free.

And now I regret saying this all because I feel like I can't even do it. Like I long and want to...but then I keep thinking, "Well I'll have to plan it all out and what if it rains?"

I want to trust God. I want wisdom like Solomon. I want freedom like Jesus. I want mission like Moses. I want revelation like Paul.

I want life and life abundant. Even if I have to go it alone.

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